Command Center for Glory!

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the commands available with both the Sniper Subscription and the Elite Subscription for Atlas Mastermind.


Available Sniper Subscription Commands:

Team Information:

  • ?Team [team name]: Get a detailed overview of a specific team. (Same as ?Overview [team name])
  • ?Castles [team name]: Find all castles owned by a specific team.
  • ?Castle [coordinates/name]: Get details on a specific castle by coordinates or name.
  • ?5TA [team name]: Get detailed information about a teams 5TA.
  • ?Passage [team name]: See which team has passage control for a specific team.
  • ?Stage [coordinates]: Find the nearest stage point to a specific location.
  • ?League [team name]: Discover the current league of a specific team.
  • ?TeamHistory [team name]: Explore the historical data of a specific team.
  • ?dadjoke: Take a break and get a laugh with a random dad joke.
  • ?help: Gives you the current list of commands.

Player Information:

  • ?Player [player name]: Get detailed information on a specific player.
  • ?Roster [team name] [options]: View the roster of a team, with options to filter by stats like monthly kills (mk), defense power (dp), attack power (ap), and more.
  • ?howbad [player name]: Get a quick analysis of a player’s stats compared to other players at the same level.

Target Identification:

  • ?snipe [maxAPR] [min-max level] [minTroops] [Maxcastledepth] [taunterMaxTroops]: Find sniping targets based on various criteria, including max APR, level range, minimum troops, maximum castle depth, and taunter maximum troops (e.g., ?snipe 200 500-550 10000 0 5000).
  • ?ExposedCG [APR] [min CG] [max troops for CG] [bbd]: Identify exposed command centers based on Atlas Power Rank (APR), command center level (CG), troop count, and Blast Bot Defense (bbd) (e.g., ?ExposedCG 300 1000000 5000 1).
  • ?findcastle [level] [guards] [troops_for_guards] [seasonal(True/false)]: Find a castle matching your specific criteria (e.g., ?findcastle 4 0 0 False).
  • ?PvpTargets [dp/level] [high-low] [pts high-low]: Find main game PvP targets based on defense power (dp) or level, with options to sort by high-to-low or low-to-high troop points.
  • ?pvp [team]: Get a team’s PVP points.

Available Elite Subscription Commands (includes sniper commands):


  • ?kills [days] [‘tl’, ‘tk’]: Analyze your team’s performance over a specific timeframe (days). See troop kills (tk) and troop losses (tl) categorized by enemy team, giving you valuable insights into your team’s strengths and weaknesses against specific opponents.
  • ?teamkills [days]: Identify instances of high troop loss or successful troop kills for your team within a specified timeframe. This helps you pinpoint areas for improvement and celebrate victories.
  • ?playerkills [days]: Evaluate individual player performance. See total troop losses and kills for each team member over a chosen period, allowing you to recognize top performers and identify areas for improvement.
  • ?playerkilldetail [player name] [days]: Deep dive into a specific player’s performance. This command displays troop losses and kills categorized by enemy team for a chosen player within a timeframe.
  • ?battledetails [enemyTeam] time: [d/h]: Investigate specific battles against a rival team. View a detailed summary of a battle with a chosen enemy team within a specified timeframe (days or hours).

Stay Ahead of the Enemy:

  • ?atrisk: Assess your vulnerability to enemy attacks. This command reveals the number of times your team’s castles have been targeted by enemies in the past 30 days. High numbers indicate a need for heightened vigilance and potential adjustments to your defensive strategy.

Dominate Your Alliances:

  • Friend or Foe: Forge powerful alliances and identify your enemies with ease. The Elite Subscription unlocks the Friend or Foe system, allowing you to:
    • ?ally add [team name] [notes]: Bring a valuable team into your alliance fold. Add notes to remember key details about your allies.
    • ?ally remove [team name]: Part ways with an ally if needed.
    • ?ally list: View a comprehensive list of all your current allies.
  • Enemy Management: Never underestimate your rivals! With the Elite Subscription, you can:
    • ?enemy add [team name] [hit/no-hit] [notes]: Designate a team as an enemy, specifying if you can attack them (hit) or not (no-hit). Add notes to track their strategies and weaknesses.
    • ?enemy remove [team name]: Remove a team from your enemy list if circumstances change.
    • ?enemy list: Maintain a clear picture of all your designated enemies.
  • Target Management: Prioritize your conquests with a targeted approach:
    • ?target add [team name]: Flag a specific team as a high-priority target.
    • ?target remove [team name]: Remove a team from your target list.
    • ?target list: Keep track of all your designated targets in one place.

Take control of your castle alerts:

  • Castle Alerts: Stay informed of critical events with a customizable castle alert system:
    • ?alerts [Off/On]: Enable or disable castle alerts globally.
    • ?alerts add [coords] [panic/normal/watch] [notes]: Set up alerts for specific Atlas coordinates. Choose the alert severity (panic, normal, watch) and add notes for context.
      • Normal: Send alert for enemy and unknown teams that land on your castle
      • Panic: Send alert for all teams except your 5TA
      • Watch: Send alert only when a castle status changes. Great for planning an attack.
    • ?alerts remove [coords]: Deactivate an existing alert for a specific location.
    • ?alerts list: View a complete list of your active alerts.