Atlas Mastermind Levels Up: Stage Alerts Get Smarter!

Calling all Atlas strategists! Get ready to take your domination to the next level with the latest update to Atlas Mastermind: configurable Stage Alerts!

Previously, Stage Alerts offered a valuable glimpse into global activity within Atlas. Now, we’re empowering you with even more control. This exciting new feature allows you to tailor Stage Alerts to your needs, giving you a strategic edge over the competition.

Here’s what you can expect:

Target Your Intelligence:

  • Friend or Foe Integration: Gone are the days of generic alerts. Now, you can configure Stage Alerts to focus on teams designated as “Enemies” or “Targets” within your Friend or Foe list. This means you’ll receive real-time notifications whenever your rivals are gathering in a particular stage, giving you a crucial heads-up on their potential movements.
  • Global Awareness: For those who prefer a broader view, the option to see all teams gathering in a stage remains available. This allows you to stay informed about overall activity within Atlas and potentially anticipate larger conflicts on the horizon.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: You can now configure the number of prims and total troops, providing even more customization to suit your strategic needs.

The Power of Information:

Knowing where your enemies are gathering is invaluable. With Stage Alerts, you can:

  • Prepare for Incoming Attacks: If you see your rivals massing in a specific stage near your territory, you can use this intel to fortify your defenses and coordinate counter-attacks with your alliance.
  • Scout Opportunities: Enemy activity might reveal lucrative gathering locations or untapped resources. Use this information to your advantage and claim the spoils before they do!
  • Strategize for Domination: Stage Alerts paint a dynamic picture of the ever-shifting Atlas landscape. By understanding enemy movements, you can plan your own campaigns more effectively, ensuring your alliance reigns supreme.

Master Your Atlas Destiny:

The Atlas battlefield is ever-evolving, and with Stage Alerts at your fingertips, you’ll always be one step ahead. This powerful feature puts the power of knowledge in your hands, allowing you to react swiftly and decisively to any threat.

Get Started Today!

Head over to Atlas Mastermind and experience the power of configurable Stage Alerts. This update is available now with the Diamond subscription, so don’t wait! Take control of your Atlas destiny and claim your place as a true mastermind!



